Customers and visitors from the steel industry from all over the world visited our stand at METEC 2023 – the world’s largest trade fair for metallurgical technology. The visitors came from all over the world – from America to Japan and from Africa to Korea. Among them were, of course, many well-known and long-existing business friends of the world’s largest rail manufacturers.
Concrete future projects were discussed with these “old” business partners.
But also many potential customers and interested parties were able to convince themselves of the quality of our machines and systems.
We would like to thank you for the interesting discussions and are already looking forward to the next METEC 2027!

Functional test and acceptance of the Robot Ring Needle Stamping Machine together with BOHEMIA RINGS s.r.o.
On March 23, 2023, the functional test of the NeeRob1250 needle stamping robot was carried out in our factory with the BOHEMIA RINGS team from the Czech Republic!
NeeRob1250, which is suitable for stamping on hot steel up to max. 1075°C, has a visual measuring system for checking the accuracy of the various hot steel rings.
After successfully completing the test, the Robot Ring Needle Stamping Machine was approved and sent to our customer in the Czech Republic!
We look forward to the installation and commissioning in June 2023 and thank BOHEMIA RINGS s.r.o. for the trust and good cooperation!


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The most important international metallurgy trade fair opens its doors for the eleventh time. The world’s best experts in the metallurgy industry meet here to exchange ideas and experiences.

For more than 30 years we have been supplying turnkey machines and systems for the steel-producing industry. Our rail stamping machine STEMA® is the most frequently used marking machine for railway rails.

In the area of ​​stamping machines, we also offer solutions for railway wheels, slabs and billets.

In more than 550 projects, we have always focused on the quality and reliability of our products. Personal commitment, reliability and hard work play a decisive role in our success and in building long-term trust with our customers. Our products represent the spearhead of what is technically possible and also help our customers to always be one step ahead.

At the international metallurgy trade fair METEC 2023 we will present our latest developments and reference projects.

So take advantage of the perfect contact and communication opportunities and visit us from June 12th to 16th, 2023 at METEC 2023 in Hall 4, Stand A29.

We look forward to you!

The largest manufacturer of hot-rolled seamless steel rings in the Czech Republic, BOHEMIA RINGS s.r.o., placed an order with us on March 24, 2022 for the manufacture, delivery and installation of the NeeRob1250 including the BTA ring measuring system!

NeeRob1250 is a needle stamp robot for stamping (marking) on ​​hot steel up to max. 1075°C! BTA is a visual measuring system for checking the accuracy of the various hot (up to 1280°C) steel rings.

Under the technical direction of Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Berger NeeRob1250 will be produced and installed at the customer!

As of December 7, 2016, Stangl Technik GmbH, Frankenburg, Austria filed for insolvency and terminated its business activities.

On February 2, 2017 the company Berger Engineering GmbH took over the legal estate and the entire technical engineering (including all design engineering).

We uploaded new videos of our rail stamping machine on our youtube channel.
Stay on the cutting edge of technology. Visit our YouTube channel today.