On 05.03.2024 the Final Acceptance Tests of our Needle Stamping Robot for Hot Rings took place.

The Robot stamps rings up to 10.000 kg with temperatures up to 1.100°C. The variety of products can also be considerable: For example, the diameters of the rings can vary from 700mm to 4.200mm. The rings are pulled onto a table in which the position of the ring is not guided, so that the robot has to find the ring itself. Under these demanding conditions the stamping robot achieved 100% accuracy rate of stampings with error rate of 0%!

The entire system was delivered as a turnkey solution and the stamping is performed in fully automatic mode: The ring dimensions are transferred from a data base to the robot, then the ring position is multiple calculated by sensors around and on the robot, and finally the stamping is performed. The machine is in operation 24/7.

We would like to thank our customer Bohemia Rings for their support!


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